Event ConfigurationΒΆ

Event Configuration is used to allow event-by-event Configuration Variables. To create a configuration variable create a file named event_configuration.py in any app. In this file, add a subclass of happening.configuration.ConfigurationVariable representing the variable you are adding.

For example:

class GroupCreation(configuration.ChoiceField):

    """Who is able to create groups."""

    default = 0

    choices = [
        (0, "Members cannot create groups"),
        (1, "Members can create groups after the event starts"),
        (2, "Members can create groups at any time"),

This creates a “group creation” variable which is one of three options, and defaults to 0

To access the content of the variable, create an instance of the class and call .get():

can_create_groups = GroupCreation(event).get()

In a template, use the get_configuration filter in the plugins library to read configuration variables:

{% load plugins %}