
Actions allow plugins to respond to actions occuring within Happening. They are similar to Django signals.

Triggering Actions

To trigger an action (creating a point for plugins to respond), import happening.plugins.trigger_action and call it, passing the name of the action first, and keyword arguments which will be passed along to responders.

For example:

from happening.plugins import trigger_action
trigger_action("events.ticket_cancelled", ticket=self)

Responding To Actions

To respond to an action, create a file named in any app/plugin. In it, import the happening.plugins.action decorator and apply it like so:

from happening.plugins import action

def ticket_cancelled(ticket):
    """If a ticket is cancelled, ensure that it is not in any groups."""
    for g in ticket.groups.all():

In this case, we will respond to the ticket cancelled action by deleting any groups attached to the ticket.

Built-in Actions


A ticket has been cancelled

Parameters:ticket – Ticket