Creating PluginsΒΆ

To create a plugin, create a directory in the plugins directory and inside it create a file. Inside this file create a class Plugin:

class Plugin(object):

    """Plugin which adds comments."""

    name = "Comments"

At a minimum, you must give a name attribute which will show in the “Plugins” page of the Admin panel. If you provide a docstring that will also be shown.


If you want to have views, add a url_root attribute to your Plugin class:

url_root = "comments/"

In this case, it will prefix all URLs for this plugin with “comments/”. Then create a as you would normally in a django project:

from django.conf.urls import patterns, include

urlpatterns = patterns('plugins.comments.views',
                       (r'^comments/posted/$', 'comment_posted'),
                       (r'^comments/', include('django_comments.urls')),


If you want to add views accessible only to staff, add a staff_url_root attribute to the Plugin class:

staff_url_root = "groups/"

and then create a which contains the django urls:

from django.conf.urls import patterns, url

urlpatterns = patterns('plugins.groups.views',

These urls will only be accessible by staff members. If you want to add a link to the Staff panel navigation, inside add a staff_links variable:

staff_links = (
    ("Groups", "groups"),

The first part of the tuple is the text, the second part is the url name to link to.


If you want to add views accessible only to admins, add an admin_url_root attribute to the Plugin class:

admin_url_root = "groups/"

and then create a which contains the django urls:

from django.conf.urls import patterns, url

urlpatterns = patterns('plugins.groups.views',

These urls will only be accessible by admins. If you want to add a link to the Admin panel navigation, inside add an admin_links variable:

admin_links = (
    ("Groups", "group_admin"),

The first part of the tuple is the text, the second part is the url name to link to.