Data TablesΒΆ

Data Tables are used through Happening to provide sorting, filtering, and searching on data. This uses the open source DataTables jQuery plugin.

To apply it, add the “data-tables” class to a table. This will add pagination and sorting:

<table class="data-table" id="members-table">
        <tr><td><a href="/member/2">Member 2</a></td></tr>
        <tr><td><a href="/member/3">Member 3</a></td></tr>


The filter form should be built in the same way as detailed in Filtering. However, instead of providing data using data- attributes, the queryable data will be provided in table columns:

<table class="data-table" id="members-table">
            <th data-name="age">20</th>
            <td><a href="/member/2">Member 2</a>
        <!-- ... -->

In this case it would add a “name” attribute which can be filtered/searched. By adding the appropriate filter type this column could be filtered:

<div class="input-grid__container">
    <label class="input-grid__container__item radio"><input name="age" type="checkbox" class="checkbox filter-form__option-filter" value="20">20</label>
    <label class="input-grid__container__item radio"><input name="age" type="checkbox" class="checkbox filter-form__option-filter" value="21">21</label>
    <label class="input-grid__container__item radio"><input name="age" type="checkbox" class="checkbox filter-form__option-filter" value="22">22</label>

If you’d rather this field still be searchable but not be visible, you can add data-visible="0" to the column, e.g:

<table class="data-table" id="members-table">
            <th data-name="age" data-visible="0">20</th>
            <td><a href="/member/2">Member 2</a>
        <!-- ... -->