
Creating Events

To create an event, go to the Events page of the Staff panel and click New Event. Events must have a title, a date and time, and an initial number of tickets. Other properties are optional. Once the event has been configured press Save.


If you are regularly creating events with similar properties, it might be worth creating a preset which allows you to load these properties in the future.

To create a preset, go to the Events page of the Staff panel and click on Presets. Then click New Preset. You will be presented with the same form used for creating an Event, with an additional Preset Name field. Give the preset a memorable name and enter the common properties. No properties are required when creating a preset. Once you are ready, press Save to create the preset. To edit or delete the preset use the buttons alongside the preset name on the Presets page.

After a preset has been created, when creating a new Event, a button Load Preset will appear at the top of the page. Click this and choose a preset to load the settings into the form.

Editing Events

To edit an event, go to the Events page of the Staff panel and click on the event title. Then click on Edit at the top of the page. Once you have changed the appropriate properties, click Save.

Viewing Events

The most recent five events (including future events) are listed under the Events menu in the top navigation bar. Clicking on the event name will show the event page. Older events can be accessed by clicking on View All in this menu, and the next event is always shown on the index page.

The view event page shows a list of members who are attending the event, allows members to purchase Tickets, and provides space for Plugins to provide functionality.